The swift parrot is listed as critically endangered and without proper habitat protection, the species could be extinct in as little as 20 years. Right now in the Southern Forests and in the Eastern Tiers I have witnessed the ongoing destruction of forests critical to the swift parrot. Premier Rockliff: don't our endangered species deserve a safe place to live?
It is well known that habitat loss due to native forest logging is the biggest threat to swift parrot breeding and feeding habitats. In order to prevent this species from imminent extinction, all native forest logging in swift parrot feeding and breeding areas must cease immediately. We must force the government to cease all native forest logging now.
I have been arrested trying to protect swift parrot habitat in threatened forests. Forestry Tasmania - is it worth continuing to log swift parrot habitat knowing that they are already critically endangered? Can we please follow in Victoria's recent footprints and stop all native forest logging in 2024?
The swift parrot is the world's fastest flying parrot reaching speeds of 88 km/hr. The swift parrot migrates between Tasmania and Victoria and New South Wales every year and feeds on flowering eucalypts. The swift parrot breeds only in Tasmania and relies on a good source of nearby flowering eucalypts to feed their young. They are an amazing bird and deserve all the protection that we can offer them!
In October 2022, Federal Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek said: "Our current approach to endangered species has not been working. If we keep doing what we've been doing, we'll keep getting the same results. Australia is the mammal extinction capital of the world. The need for action has never been greater. I will not shy away from difficult problems or accept environmental decline and extinction as inevitable.”